
Showing posts from 2013

What my siblings don't know

this is under construction. has been under construction. realized the picture below has been posted twice. So now my elder siblings have salaries. we have always been a group of people with the wildest dreams and they're slowly turning into reality. What my siblings don't know: NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, I AM SUPER GRATEFUL AND PROUD OF THEM and of course A LOT, I guess. hahaha

the forming of a rainbow

YOLANDA- the biggest nightmare of the Filipinos! After the typhoon, lots or problems surfaced! We are not only talking about the hunger in the affected places but also the CORRUPTION of our very own GOVERNMENT, the BLAME GAME, the lack of LOVE for our own country leading to Filipinos' lack of UNITY! Probably this is for starters! Sometimes, emotions get a looooooooooong way! IT IS REALLY SAD THAT WE DON'T trust our own government even though we were the one who voted for them!  Yes, a lot of people have lapses but we can't just reason out that they're human! The Philippines was prepared for the typhoon! In fact, it was the most prepared times of the Philippines. THE TYPHOON WAS JUST REALLY REALLY STRONG! The only one not prepared was the president! What's worse is we, the citizens don't blame anyone at first. Well, until our very own president announced to CNN that Tacloban was prepared and that the relief operations were slow because of the L

NO TO I wish to write this.

The "I wish to write this" article is simply about how I wish to write an article and you reading it which makes the wish come true but the revelation is at the end! Too lazy to write it because I wanted it to be long so that people would wonder. I want to create different scenarios in the reader's head but then again it's long and I am unispired to do it so here's the last article. I call it THE BUCKET LIST. As you observe, I am not writing the exact article because I haven't written it and I want it to be a short film! It is more dramatic when this is a short film but I tell you, not all articles are great movies and the otherwise too! Back to the bucket list. It would start with this guy (NOTE: I don't know this guy. just searched handsome guy in google and he somehow fits the ideal one.) He's holding a list. The usual bucket list. He rides an airplane and goes to different places! He checks everything in the bucket list and every time he

I threw it.

Just realized that I threw the mini notebook with my "I COULD HAVE HEARD HIM" article! I loved that article! Whoever has it now, just read and more importantly, understand my handwriting :-)) Down to one article then :) hahahaha


I realized I haven't really introduced myself. I know it's not too late! It's my vanity time! I am not usually like this! This is for you to understand the posts better! I am not going to spoil a lot or else I might get kidnapped! ha ha! JK I am Jasmine "Jas" May Leon. I have a twin by the name of Jardene "Jade" de Leon. Our elder sister is manang Jill and sometimes we call her  achi Jill followed by our brother, brother Jack then us! I have been blogging since then but my posts were so dramatic I deleted four blogs already! haha! I am Indecesive and I no longer want to talk about me! kidding! I love free-writing even though the only reader is myself! ha ha! I used to have a diary and a mini magazine but they're full and I can't find the ideal notebooks. Yes, I AM VERY CHOOSY with my notebooks. When buying I really have to feel the paper and the design and envision myself with the notebook! HAHA! I am taking up Chemical engineeri

this makes me really SAD

I've been having dreams and I'm not going to call them nightmares. I've been having dreams about you. The best thing about it is I've got to see you! The worst things about it is, it's not true! You don't know how much I really wanted to see you! Looking at you, just even a picture in reality lifts a tiny  spirit in me. I AM VERY SAD every time I dream of you! Trust me, I don't control it. Unless, if you still TRUST ME! I really wanted to blog about this because I needed an outlet! I don't care if you or anyone in the cruel world can see this! I just have to! I'm killing myself if I won't. I meant what I said before. I left you because I don't want to drag you in my miserable life but the truth is, you're the one who placed colors in my life. I was too caught off thinking my life's MISERABLE but actually it WAS, not IS! I was probably too selfish! You kept on fighting for us. I failed to do the same! I really wanted to be a su

the comeback

Let me first tell you that I have three pending articles: the one from UP diliman SNCEC, I could have heard him and I wish to write this. I'm saying this to remind myself and my future posts will be those articles. HOPEFULLY! the SEMESTER'S done well unless the grades come out. As of now I HAVE LOT TO DO...I THINK. Wash my clothes, fix my cabinet, DIYs, the articles, look for official OJT places in California and lose weight! The latter part is a gift to myself as I also promise not to cut my hair til my 20th birthday! Moving on, decided to blog because I'm too lazy to check my list. As you can see, I am no longer that revealing with my life. well, hello twitter! I have this ambition of being a DIY blogger but why would I start one when I'm being a student especially an ENGINEERING student!!! Yes, it's very demanding but at the same time very REWARDING especially when you feel like you're the smartest! HAHA! About this sem, I started THINKING F CHANGING

no space bar

Expect this to be a long post simply because I’m too lazy for shit school but don’t get me wrong though, I like my school! I never had such real fun compared to high school and I quote a schoolmate of mine “whoever said high school’s fun probably hasn't passed the UPCAT!” I want to talk about a lot of things liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike how creative I am with my DIYs ( click here ) and why I don’t sell them, or how good a writer I can be whenever I am inspired in the bus, or how proud I am because I finished reading a book in a day, or how awesome I find myself having a 10am class and 10am volleyball game and still managed to do both, or how much of a youtube fan I am, or how many times  youtube stars have favorite, retweeted, replied and DMed me in twitter, or how shitty  the internet connection is now because there is none, how busy my life is now from being an upperclassmen to debate society to finance officer looking for sponsors (part of the student council) to being


A lot have been happening and it takes a lot of thinking to remember them! For the mean time, I am at the veranda of shifting paradigm but I won't give up. I will never give up! Doing my Natural Science report and usually I am very intricate and OC with my presentations! anyway, here's a lake :-)) 'Tis all for now -Jas

to write.

I did not want to join the writing club but I guess, writing is in our blood. My all-time favorite writer is my aunt MaJoy in Florida! I have always wanted to be like her. Anyway, we were tasked to make any article. I planned not to make any but instead volunteer myself as the Managing editor again since the job requires looking for printing companies! ha ha ha! SO I got a little inspired. The limitation of the article required was anything related to YOUR CHILDHOOD. So I wrote this... HOW TO BE FAMOUS by Jasmine May G. de Leon Almost every person had that inner desire to be infinitely rich and famous (not in a notorious way)... To be in the lime light and some still have that ambition burning but worry no more! These are the secrets! Think of a celebrity, a celebrity that’s too die for. Then think of another one. Then think some more. These people have actually three things in common. Three easy naturals things but there’s a catch. These three don’t happen on the spot. T

Complicated things uncomplicated itself

Here's the story. I was in a seminar years ago. There's this guy (let's call him A). We DID had something special. It WAS GREAT. It was somehow the best of the best times but eventually things changed. Sometimes the BEST was not we are meant to be. I stopped everything the day after the competition was done. Probably upto now he does not now the reason why. Not just him but all the people involved They did and still d not know. I made the two way relationship into one. It was FOOLISH somehow of me. As they say, things for me were somehow a wrong timing. I had a lot of dreams but at the same time I was a mess and I did not want someone to drag him/her into my very chaotic world that time. Months passed and I thought I was fine. Kind of had a lot of crushes but everytime I have something nice I would always think of making him jealous. I was such an arse. Yes. Very pathetic of me. Until eventually A had been going out with another girl who was my opponent in the leader


In my last post I mentioned that some people need a special post but it was not a promise! YEHEY! Free from commitments! Anyway, it's 1:13am of May 3, 2013 Friday! I am somehow obsessed with time! Today is the deadline of prom-posal by ISAtv but due to lack of characters and STILL NO VIDEO EDITOR, I backed out! Our school ended its academic year last! Some schools already had their frst two-week vacation while we were still answering exams! By the start of my summer, I did nothing! Not literally nothing! I burnt the midnight oil watching TV, went to a lot of social networking sites and counted the days 'til April 22, the birthday of my favorite and only brother and the start of my dance class! By then everything seemed fine! Dance class which included Latin (Jive, Sumba, Rumba and Chacha), Contemporary, Belly dancing and Hip Hop/ Street dance was a lot of fun! I did live up with "AGE DOES NOT MATTER " motto! hahahaha Before I started this post I said I


So I can upload now! :-)) Jade, Andie and I in our first sleepover! *Made Awkward Octopuses with Wes Chan's birthday greeting. Check it  here *Using a different laptop for now so I can't upload pictures but for the mean time, there's my master piece! Crafty ain't I? That's the queen akward octopus since that's the real look, next is Frankenstein Harry Potter, then girly, then nerdy, the mustachey! haha!] <--- this means I have uploaded already! Yehey me! I've read in face book, in and also some trivia books that if your friendship lasts for seven years then it would last a lifetime! I didn't beg to differ! I've said that this post is about friends and not just friends, C-L-O-S-E friends! In other words, my fellow retards! Equipped with undeniable charm and amiable personality, I am a self-alleged miss congeniality! haha We've got friends for reasons and the best thought I've heard so far is (of course

the 5 minute post

expect this to be full of words and no pictures but let's make a miracle happen! told myself to blog yesterday night but i also made myself excuses for the wifi is just so tempting for face book! hahaha mom just called now I'm down to three minutes left!!! CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! exams everywhere and the ends do not justify the means...maybe not for now! hahahahaha! As promised, hello there YumikoYamada, one of the sweetest and I really mean the sweeeeeeetest and down-to-earth lass I've ever met! teehee! I'll post more after this 5-minute challenge! Anyway, hello RYEP! Rotary Youth Exchange Program! Quite excited but all the plans are still on water! Still, the thought of it as an open door excites me! I so want to place pictures! hahahahaha! Oh well! Got to MAJOR exams on TUESDAY and this weekend is INSUFFICIENT but still I've got time for leisure! Psych taught me I'm NORMAL! Bummer! hahahahaha! anyway, last minute! Remember readers that things and I


TRUE the post title simply because I've been massacred by all the workloads! SABAW it is! hahahaha Some things just don't change for a period of time but soon they shall! Take my eye glasses as an example! Ha ha ha! Still can't use 'em and I think my eye sight is worse! Anyway, lots of things happened OBVIOUSLY since like duh LIFE GOES ON! hahahahaha! It's been a long time since I've made my last post! Good news! I am uploading the slideshow I made! hahahaha I've reviewed my posts and I haven;t mentioned our Hong Kong trip! Oh well, it was a blast with Jade and MaTin! I loved it! I want to go back! It's a perfect country to shop! They don't have VAT! Moving on, I am now Sotech's Finance Officer! hahaha! I absolutely had to intentions of joining the student council since it's Jade's thing in high school! I am often the one in the school paper and classroom only! ha ha ha! Anyway, I'm enjoying my psych class with profess