TRUE the post title simply because I've been massacred by all the workloads! SABAW it is! hahahaha

Some things just don't change for a period of time but soon they shall! Take my eye glasses as an example! Ha ha ha! Still can't use 'em and I think my eye sight is worse!

Anyway, lots of things happened OBVIOUSLY since like duh LIFE GOES ON! hahahahaha! It's been a long time since I've made my last post! Good news! I am uploading the slideshow I made! hahahaha

I've reviewed my posts and I haven;t mentioned our Hong Kong trip! Oh well, it was a blast with Jade and MaTin! I loved it! I want to go back! It's a perfect country to shop! They don't have VAT!

Moving on, I am now Sotech's Finance Officer! hahaha! I absolutely had to intentions of joining the student council since it's Jade's thing in high school! I am often the one in the school paper and classroom only! ha ha ha! Anyway, I'm enjoying my psych class with professor Go but the more I dig into it, the more I say I AM NORMAL! 

I think this post and no post can ever be sufficient with all the things that transpired but don't get me wrong, I want to share 'em but lots of words and possibly insufficient words are required! <--- Ok jas?!

Those events will be shared at the right time!

One more thing! Novels and I are going steady! hahahaha

I want to end this post with the quotes and pictures!

hahahaha! This! I am not pertaining to my self by the word "someone"! >:-))

- "Thar's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt." The fault in our stars.

-"Truth is singular. It's the versions of truth that is not." Cloud atlas

So cute! Urgh! Btw, I saw my stuff toys again! Yes, I like stuff toys especially dog stuff toys as guardians and bear stuff toys as comforter or emotion absorber!

-"Nothing in this world is a bad guy. Not even cancer. It wants to live." The fault in our stars

-"If it's meant to be, the world will conspire with you."

-"It takes a lot of courage to be different." Prof. Go

-"It's not right that you suffer all the time." Prof. Go

NB: I made my own quotes from time to time but I forget to list them! I do think I am a philosopher!

-'Tis all for now
