
Showing posts from 2012

I LOVE YOU...not

The post title is just random in order to get attention! Talk about cynosure! hahahaha Anyway, I figured, since I am BORED despite the pile of workloads, still I consider myself bored, why not blog? <--rhetorical question! hahahaha I don't know what to talk about though. Probably how naughty I was these past weeks (weeks not months!) or how incredible I can be as a script writer but eff society, or how the world would end in three days HYPOTHETICALLY or how the people build and ruin each other or how much one can be a PHILOSOPHER when taking a bath or how some people can be easily deceived..or..or..or...I don't know exactly... but one thing is for sure. I haven't posted the MMP I made yet and I left my laptop charger at the dorm! slow clap! After my oh so YOUNG and WILD behavior I realized lots and lots and lots of things but too bad I don't want to post 'em! People will judge anyway. It's their nature! And NOW that it's HOLIDAY season and I am n


TIME is no boundary when doing what you love! I love making picture slideshows for birthdays or any event! It started when I was 14 years old under the influence of my awesome aunt, Joy Erched! By that time, I was a very skilled web page designer through our computer class and I memorized all codes! I was very into computers, applications and codes! I was also thinking of getting IT in college but it was more of a hobby, aunt says! Anyway, I am still an amateur and I want to be a professional at it! There's this company wherein they take pictures and at the end make a very very very rad slideshow. I saw which at my cousin's wedding at Tagaytay! I had plans of compiling all my slideshows but I can't find of them and can't even memorize 'em! Will post my latest piece later! It was for my very very very loving sister-at-heart's 18th birthday! :-) 'Til then, -Jas


I absolutely don't know when I will be in a mood for some article but one thing is for sure, TIME is not the problem! Anyway, talking about being sure (ASSURANCE) there are CERTAIN things I am CERTAIN about in this world: I think I am an epitome of  "good" OBNOXIOUS! If such thing does exist! I HAVE TOO MUCH TO SAY I've got headache now I like Ed Sheeran's songs I don't like being TONE DEAF I miss my high school friends but seems like it's a one way relationship I am stuck in my dreams I like the dorm MORE now I like my area in the DORM I THINK I'm a BETTER person now I don't want to go to school tomorrow for Chemistry class unless it's Psychology or Math I HAVE to buy OOLONG tea for achi Jill tomorrow I WANT to go to a SPA! I haven't watched BREAKING DAWN 2 and 24/7 IN LOVE I'm WAITING for a HIGH QUALITY version of the movie FUN SIZE I have to watch V for Vendatta and watch again the Nazi movie and the movie abou

...and then there it was...

Ha. ha Later or probably tomorrow when I can freely touch the surface of a real functional keyboard!

I do believe dot dot dot

(Comments are appreciated!) :-) Here's the promise I made (that I will post le post)! See, not all promises are meant to be broken! I am a living example of which ha ha ha! Kidding! One more random thing, I hate lies. Used to be a GREAT story maker but now I super duper ultra mega hate lies! Probably this is influenced by the current book I'm into. Anyhow, here...about NATIONALISM! Swear, I WON'T BORE YOU! I'll try to be as cherry on top as possible but this post's worth is not dependent on the society, just to be clear! Let me start with my dream and by that I mean what I see myself in the future...before this realization about NATIONALISM. (see the use of past tense) I wanted to work in HOLLYWOOD! Beverly Hills was calling my name as a SCRIPT WRITER. See, I did not want to be an engineer! I wanted to be the brains of the movies' success! Then when it comes to the physical appearance, I would undergo a major transformation and be somehow Barbie, just m

Subject to my approval.

Had a break and by that I mean lots of break (sem-break, heart break, brakes) ha ha ha! Kidding! So sorry to tell you (why should I apoligize, I have no commitments. Let's say for the sake of courtesy) I AM NOT POSTING the real post...YET! Will finish reading the book first! But for some head turns, my topic for my next post would be NATIONALISM and being A TRUE FILIPINO! Before, I thought it's such a LAME topic but I stand corrected that is until experience really became a GREAT TEACHER! Let me leave you with a nice song which I heard in the airplane :-)

Change is inevitable

Only had breakfast and no lunch but trust me, seems like breakfast included dinner the next day! ha ha ha! Also, I'm reading a book! 2012 has definitely changed me! I QUITE love reading books already but it disappoints me when I still need a dictionary to look up for words! So I was being a coach potato 'til 1 pm! Jade arrived and brought oolong tea! My sisters and I are addicted to oolong! Then it gave me the drive to workout! Sadly, I wasn't able to reach 5kms! Only abou 4 something but shall continue later until I reach 10 kms then hello Zumba! Zumba's a lot of fun and very very very very tiring! I'm expecting to lose 5 kgs or 10 pounds by this month or the next month! HELP ME LORD! :-) Yes, I am obsessed of losing weight since high school and sometimes I lose a lot then gain a whole lot more! It started when MG, Jade and I had a summer workshop at Ateneo de Manila University when we were in 3rd year high school! I think I gained 15 kgs by that time! Fat fat

too many to mention

The title says it all! TEEHEE! First thing's first! Our chemistry 28 laboratory class had a check-up for the apparatus in the locker and beakers were missing. We searched for them and one of my classmates, opened this locker which did not have a lock! Take a look of what's inside! This indeed brought a lot of laughter! What's nice about our generation is we make great jokes of problems but there's  a sparkle of being serious. Sarcasm you may say TEEHEE! I am not posting this to make fun but instead there's quite a disappointment which is somehow analogous to trust. I do wish they'll find those stuff! ^_^ One more thing, had volleyball PE! I did practice my back set yesterday because I don't want to let the team down...HOW SWEET OF ME! TEHEE! I like my team, I mean since beginner's class, I've always liked the team I belong!  SO yeah, we scored good enough in the practical! KUDOS for us! Then there was a game! Wasn't  expecting whi

Bendy Straw Sunday

Just so you know, Sunday is my favourite day! So what if it's Monday the next day! I've always found Sunday as the "seize the day" day! As somehow a hermit, Fridays and Saturday are my boring days plus when it's saturday there's the thought that weekend's almost going to end! Eff! What I really like about Sundays is I bond with my cousins! PUHLEASE! If I'm crazy, then you'll need another term for them...but in a good way! Anyway, I am quite happy since I have four colorful bendy straws! YEHEY! SO CUTE! Got 'em from the family party hours ago at Pototan! Family parties there are quite different :-) One more thing, since I am no longer active in face book, it was not me who liked those stuff/s in face book! Cousins! :-)) We had a barbecue party! The minute I saw the barbecue stand I was like "this is how I wantED my 18th birthday to be." ha ha ha! I don't like those traditional parties with programs plus I don't get the


Ever since I somehow forgot my blog lots of things happened! So not in the mood to study for my exams yet! Maybe a little later. Just minutes ago, I lost the chance of being a speaker again! a performer somehow! URGH! Could have been the talent for a broadcasting production but fadge, I have majors to tackle! O.o Oh well! But one thing's bugging me, UNTIL WHEN SHALL I SACRIFICE WHAT I REALLY REALLY WANT?! Oh well again! :-) On the other hand, about the "lots of things": first, the sleepover at Andie's last summer and Sarah G's concert last July! More than 18 years of prophesied  sisterhood, Andie, my twin Jade and I finally had a sleepover at Andie! Can't really remember how Andie and I met but we were classmates and by prophesied, I mean tita karen (andie's mom) is mother's doctor when we were in mother's tummy! :-D Unlike any other sleepover we made a lot of childish stuffs! Made smores and mascots and music video and we made our


Back from nowhere, hello there again! Don't want to bore you with a long post! ha ha ha! I've been masochistic. Depriving oneself from social networking, gummy worms, chocolates and snacks! This is for the betterment :-) Anyway, I did say this will be somehow a blog full of articles which means it has a concrete topic just like the last two posts but I find it quite boring! TEEHEE! And also, you better go to youtube and search NIGA HIGA! He's a genius! TEEHEE! I shall go online the day before we go to Manila for HK which is a month from now but nothing's stopping me from blogging. AMATEUR ME! Below are pictures which I found in the internet and are  very amazing and yes, I am sharing them! :-) ENJOY! just click on the picture to enlarge. that's all for now -7j