Bendy Straw Sunday

Just so you know, Sunday is my favourite day! So what if it's Monday the next day! I've always found Sunday as the "seize the day" day! As somehow a hermit, Fridays and Saturday are my boring days plus when it's saturday there's the thought that weekend's almost going to end! Eff! What I really like about Sundays is I bond with my cousins! PUHLEASE! If I'm crazy, then you'll need another term for them...but in a good way! Anyway, I am quite happy since I have four colorful bendy straws! YEHEY! SO CUTE! Got 'em from the family party hours ago at Pototan! Family parties there are quite different :-)

One more thing, since I am no longer active in face book, it was not me who liked those stuff/s in face book! Cousins! :-))
We had a barbecue party! The minute I saw the barbecue stand I was like "this is how I wantED my 18th birthday to be." ha ha ha! I don't like those traditional parties with programs plus I don't get the point. They bore me! ha ha ha! Oh well! THAT IS JUST AN OPINION! teehee! Ate a lot of food! YUM!

On the other note, I am currently multitasking! Blogging, watching nigahiga in youtube and answering some problem sets! Yes, I am studying! I find it unfair if I won't study because when I ride in a jeep, I pay the student's fare! That's why we are STUDENTS! We study! ha ha ha! See the analogy? Oh yeah, I don't like those people who say they don't. But yeah, that's life! we DEAL with it, as usual!

IT's SUNDAY! ha ha ha! been saying this! Must have GOOD VIBES and I usually do! Received a group message via text last night and I want to share it with you. It goes: "Stop worrying of the bad things that may happen instead think of the good things that will happen."

'Tis all for now! Happy Sunday!
