I LOVE YOU...not

The post title is just random in order to get attention! Talk about cynosure! hahahaha
Anyway, I figured, since I am BORED despite the pile of workloads, still I consider myself bored, why not blog? <--rhetorical question! hahahaha

I don't know what to talk about though. Probably how naughty I was these past weeks (weeks not months!) or how incredible I can be as a script writer but eff society, or how the world would end in three days HYPOTHETICALLY or how the people build and ruin each other or how much one can be a PHILOSOPHER when taking a bath or how some people can be easily deceived..or..or..or...I don't know exactly...

but one thing is for sure. I haven't posted the MMP I made yet and I left my laptop charger at the dorm! slow clap!

After my oh so YOUNG and WILD behavior I realized lots and lots and lots of things but too bad I don't want to post 'em! People will judge anyway. It's their nature!

And NOW that it's HOLIDAY season and I am no philanthropist, I have nothing to ask. I know I don't have everything and I am not contented with what I have but I'm fine anyway despite that I've been craving for a hard drive for my frustrations as a programmer, or the fact that the frame of my eyeglasses is broken or how much of  a douche my old cellphone is and a whole lot more. The point is, I'M FINE with everything. Since we all know everything is being BORROWED! This day may be fine and the next may be not. You may have this and the next thing you know, it's lost. You may be good at this then eventually it's gone. WHO KNOWS?! <---again a rhetorical question

This is by so far my most BUBBLE post, Why Bubble? Simple. Lost of brilliant thoughts but because of an external factor, POP, goodbye! kidding, just saw a picture of bubbles and I want to relate which! hahahaha!

-til then
jas...no longer 7j :-)
