PROMISES: not meant to be broken

I have an extra hour since i don't like what's on t.v. ha ha ha
As stated in my previous post, i shall talk about my holy week at Capiz, Easter, my new dream, and my losing weight plus my super cute cousins especially MIEL and MACHIN and to add on, things i just want to talk about! YEHEY! ha ha ha!
 My holy week at Capiz was very family-oriented! We went to Camp Aguinaldo! Yes, there are soldiers and it's exactly like the one you see in Private Benjamin or in Jessica Simpson's movie! We spent Holy Thursday up to Black Saturday there! But don't get me wrong, we didn't sleep with the soldiers but stayed in my uncle's "REST HOUSE" and it looks great!
The second floor! The garden!
The room at second floor!
The nipa room! Achi Jill, Jade, me and ng chatt after swimming!

Just tilt your head! The night scene at the garden!
We went swimming, hiking towards the waterfalls, went to the grotto and ate a lot of seafood since it's Holy week= no beef! Everything was SUPERB!

(L-R) Machin, Jet, rei-ann, miel, dione, ng chat, me. eg, achi jill, apet, ayi and bro at the entrance of the camp
Bro ate a whole fish!
Jade and Mommy joy unleashing their different side.
I look like super mario! :-))
The bomb thrower and I!
Nong Pikin playing with his imagination! ha ha!

On the way to the grotto!

the grotto! mother mary! :-)

It's US at the grotto! Yes, we're a lot!

Achi Jill with the view! credits to me! ha ha!

It's me as oble! he he! credits to achi jill

On the way to the waterfalls!

This is the most challenging part!

The waterfalls! AT LAST! Very cold! Very fresh! Very worth  the hiking!

Now, let me introduce to you MaChin! Well, she's my third cousin (mother's side) and we have a huge gap! 20 years or more! She and Rei-ann went to Iloilo (from Manila) and went with us at the Camp. It's funny because she ate a lot of Talaba (oysters) which led her to LBM! Therefore, she wasn't able to go with us at the waterfalls! ha ha ha!
Oh yeah! Machin and her oysters!

Machin and Miel in the van!
This is Miel!
for cuteness sake, tilt your head! ha ha ha!
She's so cute! Jade and I describe her as the human sharpei! SO CUTE! She also went to the camp and one night, her dad asked her to do a shadow dance, and she did the Peter Pan dance :-)) SO CUTE again! It's like every move she does and angle you see her, she's still so cute! Watcha think?

Miel and machin's ipad in the van! The toddler's a game expert!

Miel doing her shadow dance

Miel ready to swim but actually she did not! ha ha ha

Miel and I! So cute when she eats!

Miel and Dione playing a cellphone game!

Now, on the other note, MY NEW DREAM but it seems like, i don't dream of this anymore but what the heck, a promise is a promise.

So here, when i was in fifth grade, my parents asked us (my siblings and I) about our ideas if it's okay to migrate to Canada so now, you know the outcome. ha ha ha
My dream was simple, the WHAT IFS of if we were indeed in Canada now! ha ha ha! What I like best with the dream was me wearing a LETTERMAN jacket! ha ha ha! OH yeah, saving for a letterman jacket!

My easter, the usual. EGG HUNTING at housing! same old. same old!

Lastly, my losing weight! I've been working out but it's not consistent but still working out days are a lot more than resting days! ha ha ha! I went to a site and joined a conversation and i said "I do workout  but it seems like I'm not losing weight." then one replied that it might not be with the pounds but with the inches but still, for me, i just don't know! One of our neighbors and mother's office mates said that i did lose A LOT of weight but still i don't know but comparing it with my first semester in college, yes, they're right. ha ha ha

Okay, the weight thingy is not the last nor is this. I did said and posted i'll be an introvert for some time but i think if i do so it'll be a loss of opportunity to the world. Yes, I'm weird like this but still, i'm not that really active in the social networking sites as before! ha ha ha!

One more good news! I read more than two books! In fact, three and four in counting! First, LA Candy, then RESPECT, then Mistress to her husband, then Charles Dickens's GREAT Expectations and now I'm reading the Runaway Jury! Reading is indeed fun! But I'm still choosy with the books!

Okay now, this is the last! I went downtown this afternoon and yes, by myself! The purpose of which  was for me to search for stuffs for an event and buy something for some of my friends and yes, i purposely want to be by myself since i don't want to worry about others too much and I wore my boots! I want to be this independent person like in New York! ha ha ha! Turned out, I bought two nail polish and three cute rings! I love rings but it doesn't love my hand since my hands are too short! I gave the other one to achi Jill!

Three rings and two nail polish (sparkles and dark blue)!

Exactly now, glee 3 is on Star world and I love what's playing!
so let me end this long post with this! Hope you enjoy listening!
This is all for now!
