I told myself that I am done but keep on doing things.
Gad, I still have one letter and attendance sheets for student council.
Gad, I still have plant design material balance
Gad, I still have exams and homeworks
Gad. Gad. Gad.

I am beyond sad. Do you know the feeling everyday you wake up just waiting for the day to end?! Motivation is no where and sel-esteem has completely evaporated.

If you ask me, if ever things will some how be better, I will no longer review in CEBU. It is straight to MANILA now and guess what, I got another job offer...in SALES...more likely a youth sales job offer but Gad, I do not like sales honestly. I like talking to people but I also have find sales people annoying. I do not know what it is in me that keeps attracting sales. I just do not want to.

I have reasons why I chose MANILA most of which, makes me feel so stupid.

Anxiety disorder is in our family. A family of overthinkers but I have always believed that I am the outlier. They have succeeded while I..I myself do not know. I do not want to google. It sucks. Completely sucks and the people whom you thought will comfort you are actually one of the many reasons why you have the disorder. FUCK YOU ALL. They will never understand.
