i chose to UNFOLLOW

you just don't know it. do you?

ugh. when feelings collide, you are not sure of what to label it.
I am talking about crushes, infatuations and more dangerously, love.
I mean, I do not necessarily give a fuck about love in reality. All hugots I have came from the movies and how far fetch it is from reality thus everything that seems ideal is only ideal because it is in the movies. nothing more, nothing less. But fuck this dude.
I don't get it and I don't get myself.
Here I am again with these long term stupid aspirations. fuck fuck fuck.
so i decided to unfollow.
It has been two years since I decided to fix myself but fixing oneself is never fun, thought some parts are. I mean, in the process , you ask yourself why you want to fix yourself then it traces back to he main reason then reminds you why you initially sucked. When you finally think you are a better person, you remember again and try to make a comparison. Thus going back to the fool who just gave up on you easily without bringing up a fight because he wants everything to be easy or convenient or... simply because the two of you back then were just too young and gullible thinking that you could be something more. i mean fuck you still first person. you had so much potential but you were just a baby! (somehow sorry not sorry haha) fool. fool. fool. a person is always a fool not just in love but in everything. i mean how do we even imagine to know everything when even Einstein's knowledge is just 1/100 out of everything in this Universe.
I am being negative right now because I fackin do not get it why he changed the picture in less than two to three weeks max. urgh. I am trying to make hypotheses. Is it because he knowsand got angry or is it because he saw and wanted something the same?! Why are you making this difficult for me, GR?! Can't we just go along with the red tie that's on our pinkies?! hahahahaha jk! Why does everything seem to be difficult and making me the foolest of the foolest?! hay. I just hope one day GR reads this end we'll laugh about it. i hope so...there I go again with the "hoping."
see how connected everything can be.
but it is no longer for me to worry about.
reminding myself that I chose to unfollow.
reminding myself that I have to be a better person not for anyone to prove them wrong but for me to prove myself wrong. because I am fuckin prettier than well...let's just not label. All God's creations are beautiful.
