no exact title

well, i have time...i mean, i made time.

first, dear rain, why did you stop. huhu.
writing/ blogging while it rains makes it more like in the movies haha

anyway, before i wrote this i had a lot in mind. now, well, again, they're somewhere hahaha

i am such a late night-morning person

i can sleep at around 4am then wake up oh-so bright at 6am.
i love how everything seems so fresh, how mr. sun seems to smile as it touches my skin, how everything seems to be at a good start.
i especially love it when the people/ strangers you meet greet you with a smile, a nod or a good morning.
i really love mornings even the breakfast. i used to skip breakfast in highschool because we were often late but now, ugh, i love bacon and eggs...eggs especially...sunny side up eggs then cereals then milk, chocolate milo or swiss miss. i can stay at a breakfast buffet all day. the best was in sofitel last august. oh gosh, mapi and i spent two to three hours in the buffet and i used up the good for four table.
i just love breakfast so much i sometimes just wake up, eat breakfast then go back to sleep.
i love mornings.
productivity hits 'til 11am to 12 noon.
i do not like afternoons. thinking about it reminds me how hot it can be. afternoons should be about naps. some shows if there are any but the best is for naps, really.
then at around 4pm, anything happens. i like to treat it as the recess time until 5 or 6pm. usually at 6pm or 7pm i try so hard to be productive but being really productive starts at aroun 9pm or 11pm and my sarcasm is at its peak at 11pm, no joke. then productivity again until 2am.
yes, i sleep at 2am even without school work. the earliest sleep when i am sick only is 9 or 11pm.
see, my twin and i are the exact opposites when it comes to body clock.
jade is a panda who can sleep all day. like sleep is her boyfriends, very clingy while I, on the other hand feels very unhealthy and dizzy whenever i have more than 8 hours of sleep.
unlike her also, i can sleep anywhere at any position, you can ask my classmates/ board mates/ room mates plus when i say i will wake up at this time, I WAKE UP AT THIS TIME but most of the time, i go back to sleep then set a new time again hahaha even without an alarm clock plus just call my name and i will wake up immediately.
i always think that life should be less of sleeping that i will have my best and longest sleep WHEN THE TIME COMES...if you know what I mean.
oh yes, which brings me to death. i am neutral about my death but i do not like seeing people die. it hurts me so much thinking they have much to live. i do not want to die in an hospital. i swear. being stuck with all those cords and the scent of an hospital even if its the grandest does not appeal great to me. i am cool with dying at and accident though, just not with a sharp objects. i can not even look straight at a knife's point. it makes me dizzy. i want to die peacefully like i just want to sleep. that's all and when i die, i don't want a long ceremony or a long wake. though i just want letters to be sent to my grave. i do not even want flowers. i really want letter. well, i just thought of that. and it should be eco-friendly. and i do not want many candles and if possible, like my mom's want, i want to be cremated and my ash will be thrown somewhere together with the letter, do not burn the letters though. death is something, that when comes, then fine when it does not, fine also. i used to say that i want to live long, finding and job and getting a family but as the year progresses, things have been happening i thought would happen in the latter years of my life and now i can say, few more and i am really fine if anything happens. they call it the bucket list but i never really made a list and i don't want to make one because i believe if you make one, it won't happen.
i do not like limiting oneself to those bucket list or those goals though. life is not a series of checklist. it's an essay. hahaha
i think those list just happen in order to test that we are indeed human but regardless, YOU SHOULD MAKE YOUR OWN LIFE GOALS and not copy it in any sites. be more out of the box.
that's one of the problems now, we follow what is mainstream oh gosh, hay. people.
this is so funny, stating the problem made me remember of my ADMU workshop back 2009 where as a part of the culminating activity, we have to make a story or a poem or any literature and compile with others and make it as a book.
i remember one of the judges saying that my story has a potentials for political issues or political relevance. the story is about two cockroaches, if i am not mistaking, where they look for a home or something like that or there was a problem about the community. made me realize that yes probably i have longed been called to be into politics since then but did not really bother but i don't like the politics now plus i have an attention span of a seven year old. i know i will mature and it will come. i bet i got this from my lolo tiboy. he was a politician in his town then.
oh goooosh
i wanted to study but i also wanted to sleep.
i wanted to sleep but i also wanted to blog.

time check is 1.47am
oh and yes, one coffee is not enough for me. during hellweeks, coffee is water for me that is why i have acidity problems plus now, i have low red blood cells.
funny thing is, i seldom get colds or cough though i am the last person to remember drinking her medicines.

ugh. i do not like medicines ever. yes, i am never into medicine but there are areas where i am interest too, very minimal areas, can't even remember an exact example.
