
Showing posts from September, 2014


You can never go wrong with food jut like an unexpected moot-flowing conversation! It bothered me a lot that I have to force myself to listen to people for a homework! I am not the "pressure" type. I disappointed myself when I met manang from sotech! I've been wanting to talk to her ever since and this homework pushed me even more!  She was sitting near her merchandise (she sell snacks at sotech) then I approached her. She always has this smile. It started with "Hi ng! Kamusta ka?" The conversation progressed with me knowing her schedule at sotech, her kids, the other ng melai and how hot it can be in sotech! My friend Jearie passed by and took our picture. I must say it was a fruitful conversation but I was concerned on how to continue it wit my reactions! I didn't want to end it yet. There just comes a type that no more reaction or question may be raised. As the day continued, my friend from Cabatuan invited us for their fiesta! All I wa


I don't live up to the expectations of a 21st century creature! Gadgets and I were never the best of friends which leads me to this problem: HOW AM I TO COMPLETE MY COMMUNICATIONS 3 HOMEWORK WHEN I DON'T HAVE A CAMERA?! I have a camera. I don't have a memory card! Haha! I will find ways though. I always do! Anyway, woke up early and relaxed today and with a surprise! Usually, I just fix myself then go but this time, it was not the case.  I decided to fix myself downstairs and I was taking my time. Manang Fe was sweeping the floor and started talking! She first said "Ngaa wala pa ang basura? Daw adlaw naman." Usually I don't like to talk to people when I'm fixing myself or in a relax mood but I replied "D ba dapat 6:30 or 7 na sila?" Then she talks about the her friend who used to work at our neighbor but was reported dead in the news. Then she talks about Mama going to Cebu and how she wanted to go to Pavia! Thanks Ng Fe, I didn

It started with ONE HELLO

Most love stories or any dramatic movies often start with "HELLO" but in this case, it started with "DALI-A!" (wait). Last night, I was not in the mood to study nor do I want to take a bath. I remembered the date and sent a text to manang Jill asking how was her date. We (Jade, manang Jill, and I) were chatting in facebook and much to our surprise she suddenly called! Jade placed her on speaker mode. Manang Jill works in Makati. "DALI-A! PILI NA!" Manang Jill was asking our opinion on what picture to post! That started a three-hour phone call! The best thing about talking to people whom you've grown with is, you can tell a lot just from hearing their voice plus you can sometimes carelessly voice out your opinions! While manang Jill was calling, Jade was doing a project while I was searching videos in youtube. Overall, we were all multitasking! Manang Jill was talking about her date and as hopeless romantic Jade can be, she kept on asking questi


I was hesitant to make this post because I feel tired. Slept at around 2am and I only had 4 hours of sleep plus three lectures without break! I've read an article before that you can tell a person's personality on they way he/she writes. In my case, you can tell I'm connected to mathematics! See how I often precisely use numbers! Anyway, I have an exam for Chemical Engineering 122 tomorrow and I already studied so my plan today is blog more, remedy my pimple/s, review and of course, YOGA! Going to manila soon! Been travelling a lot lately since 2012! Going to and fro Manila and other places and I am grateful! Also, the Thailand trip I was talking about might not happen. They're changing it to Vigan! Vigan and Ilocos Norte have been my dream places for vacation! THANK YOU LORD! No picture for now :-))


I attended first September Friday Mass earlier here at housing. I just feel like telling you. Hehe Anyway, the picture above was taken by someone from SULU restaurant in Miagao. Miagao is 40kms away from the city I live and is also the place where my school is located so I have to travel at least an hour everyday! This is somehow connected to the other post. Katherine Lindsey is a yogini but is only a year older than me! She's been doing such for four years in New York! Took the risk of getting her yoga class in Miagao at 5:30pm and glad to say I went home immediately! There were available buses! To go the main point of this post...there is no main point! I just want to write freely and as grammatically correct! Today is Friday and my Friday nights are usually anti-homeworks! I just want a time for myself and do the things I've longed to do! Spent most of the night yoga! I introduced yoga to Jade and now, she's less afraid to do handstands! I think I have passed the


I take my yoga lessons seriously! You know how passionate you are when you take risks...calculated risks! SO I just re-customized my blog! It's time for a new look! A time of letting go... LETTING GO- the topic for the yoga class I took with Kate yesterday night and I quote "Imagine holding a cup of water. It does not matter how full the cup is. The longer you lift the cup the more pain you'll feel so don't forget to let go!" -Kate Lindsey I really like yoga! I realized ever since I was young I have been so energetic, so active and so full of things to do! I remember when I was in high school, it felt so wrong not to be busy because I attached busy with being successful but I was wrong! There's too much hustle and bustle in my life that I forgot to pause and think of myself! I have always been so worried about the future and forgot to be in the moment! That's when yoga came in! At first, my main goal was just a handstand even just on a wall!