i am blogging again because i want to lose weight again.
it's been months since i last visited this blog. you can blame it on my broken keyboard so i have to borrow mom's or jade's laptop.
Just saw the previous post and it seems to be under construction for a looooong time. don't worry, i'll get back to it soon :)
somehow, i also forgot the address of this blog so i have to rely on the main page.
back to the main topic, i am losing weight again. i gained extra pounds because of an unhealthy living as a student.
now, i no longer want to be SLIM, i want to be FIT.
four months of summer! one down, three more! Let's see how this summer will transform me!
also, been watching koreonovelas and taiwanese dramas lately! They're worth a watch!
will post a recent pic probably later or tomorrow.
this time, i am doing it for myself.
it has been a dream.
i want it to be real.

                                         Let this be my BEFORE picture :)

our record at herbalife :(
