I will not have the same energy to do the things I have longed to do in the future.
2015 has been a year full of adventure. This has been the most roller coaster ride year ever. Starting froma  family adventure in Ilocos to getting a failing grade in Strength of Materials to Cebu Adventure to almost no-internship to job offers to Davao and mini adventures in between. I AM BEYOND BLESSED! THANK YOU LORD!
I do not label my adventures nor do I have goals. I do not even have a planned out bucketlist. All I know is I want to go to places and do things that would test who I really am and DAVAO has been a great evidence.
I am BEYOND GRATEFUL for the hospitality of Tito Joven and Tita Glema despite the language barrier during my visit. I always feel home in their abode. I have tasted the best and smoothest beef from them! Super thank you tita and tito! You made my whole stay very comfortable! Plus you made me a back ride pro! SO MUCH LOVE in DAVAO! Thank you to my ultimate backpack buddy GLEVEE RABACA! Thank yooooooou for everything and the major lesson I got from her “society’s going to judge us anyway.” We both have proven that we can do things beyond our limits as long as we concentrate on our happiness. People will come and go and most will hurt us but longing for one’s true happiness despite the pain is never a bad thing kahit mahal  ang mag move on and makalimut hahaha char. Also to our impulsive accomplice, Bryle Camarote, THANK YOU for proving that every adventure has a reason.You may not have accompanied us in Mati but SAMAL will always be a place to go back to. Hands down to your stalking skills. Glev, Bryle, one day we will meet that person who will hurts us but will be worth the pain. Char lang. SO HAPPY THAT YOU HAVE JOINED ME IN MY IMPULSIVE ADVENTURE where we might have loss our lives hahahahahaha hashtag impulsive hashtag new me hashtag pretty girls always XOXO

Let me just say again how blessed I am and with that, I want to inspire all of you to go our of your comfort zones and start with your country. Everything will be a blessing in disguise.
So here’s the story…
I do not know myself. Most of the time, I think mama knows me more than myself that’s probably why when I told her  that I want to go to Davao, she said yes immediately without reservations hahahaha.

Anyway, it was a normal school. Home from miagao and I was disappointed about some news. I have been planning what to do for December  but my stubborn self keeps on saying to stay at home because I have been going to places but I have too much energy.

Flashback to August when I joined mama and her officemates in Cebu, I met tito Jade and his wife. They mentioned about flying and adventures in Davao and the magic word “surfing”.
Now back to the indecisive November. I looked it up and found out it was new plus Mati is good for surfing but I reconsidered. I wanted to go there with my twin sister but as I checked the calendar I found out that this will be the only break I have after the boards and hopefully employment life. Therefore, our schedule won’t fit in. I told her about it though I have to endure her rants but the major reason why I really wanted to push through with this escapade because I thought I WAS DYING. I had dreams about death and had been getting these feels about being the last event, last place, last time I will see people. It was quite creepy. It was scary but I was ready. Until now, I am ready to die.
I told Glevee about it and she was game about it. I was going to Dipolog with some friends though but the chances then were low.  I booked the ticket.
This was one of the most difficult semesters ever and every time I feel down I would think of the FLYING. I did not mind the surfing yet. I already chat with the MINDANAO SAGA FLYING CLUB and they were so accommodating and they can not wait to see us as well.
During the finals, I was down. I was depressed. I was very stressed but the thought of Davao kept me going. That then I realized mom knows me. She knows that adventure awakens my spirit.

Now fly to Cebu. Cebu used to be one of my ideal places but now, I want to avoid that place! I swear. The airport personnel are not pleasant and their being strict can be unreasonable life for example, you are not allowed to bring even a small amount of water inside the departure area but there are restaurant inside which sell tons of water. THEY ARE JUST NO PLEASANT! PLUS the traffic, urgh! I am so sorry Cebu but these are just what I experienced unless you prove to me firsthand that there is so much more to your place!
Glevee and I travelled via plane via CEBU. Everything was smooth well until Cebu. I lost my boarding pass though but good thing the airlines attendant was of good nature. Glevee and I even had a good talk with kuya in the counter. He was from Bacolod. To clarify, the airlines personnel are pleasant and not the airport personnel.
After being delayed, we finally arrived in Cebu! Plus the Kalyeserye was also there! Glevee and I attempted to go to the place but the traffic was unbearable going there so kuya was nice enough to make a detour. It was a fun taxi ride. Though I do not speak bisaya, I can understand in a slow pace. We joked about Glevee being transgender and losing her adam’s apple hahaha. Then we rode a bus in Panacan. The Davao people are so accommodating! Kuya let me sat on the chair and we were surprised that the fare was cheaper than we expected. We had no plans for Saturday though. I was all eyes on Mati. Glevee suggested Samal so we went the next day and she sent a text to Bryle. It was Glevee’s first time in Samal and the place was nice. The beach is of white sand and it was clean and it was cold! Very cold!
We found out that SAMAL is a party island and there was a party later that night with some celebrities but the cold is somehow unbearable so we decided to go back to Davao city. We ate in a Korean restaurant and they offered us free cold coffee! Then we went to SM lanaang to watch the dancing fountain. Still, the vigan fountain’s the best! Then we went back to Tagum. I want to dedicate a separate post for the Mati trip.

I am beyond grateful for this trip and for the hospitality of the people of Davao. It’s my second time but every time seems like the first!
--pictures to be posted soon--
