Yoga ballet

This is what I came up with about the two most important things in my life and I am so excited and even nervous to perform this speech in front of a small group!
Next, I will be making my wishlist because it's October and I just feel like doing so plus I never really made any wishlist so public except when I used to write to Santa Claus before! :D

This was me months ago when I tried going back to dancing!

I'm requesting everybody to stand up. Close your eyes. This day may have been very rough for some, for others, it may be more than a blessing. Now, imagine there are no people around! Move and let go of yourself! Be free! Be creative! Pose! Open your eyes! Look around! Look how crazy the world can be! Look how funny and happy everyone can be! Movement expresses you in ways words can't! Thank you! You may now sit down.
I had been expressing myself in the most cliche type of self-expression: dancing! But eventually things changed! I found another outlet, yoga!
I was seven years old when my mom asked me what I wanted for summer? I said “split”! Mom enrolled me together with my sisters in a ballet class! I never knew that would be the start of a love affair!
I love how free I can be! During summer, I had a video camera and a music player! No one's home except me. I would play any music, closed my eyes and danced through the rhythm! Then I would replay the video and see how awkward or like a pro I can be!
I love how painful and tiring dancing can be! Almost every day after school for seven years, I had ballet classes that would end up late! I was ten years old then when I entered a production CATS! I skipped classes, did home works in the car, and went home around 2am! I had bruises and bloody toes but when you love something so much time is nonexistent you are willing to feel the pain! All those sacrifices where there to prove that I was getting better!
Then college came. I had to pause dancing!
I had to straighten my priorities especially that school is 40kms away plus the thought that I was to take an engineering course!
But that's not just it! If dancing was my boyfriend, I had to cool-off because I think I was never good enough! Growing up with a boneless elder sister and a natural ballerina twin sister who took a lot of awards while I was struggling, I felt left out! I felt ballet was not for me!And like any relationship, I had to move on.
Unconsciously I saw another outlet and it was actually Ma'am Joy who laid it down for me when she said from ballet you went to yoga! I was oh yes, that is true! I just wanted to do a handstand eventually I learned yoga by myself two months ago through videos! After which, I was fond of it!
See yoga, is not just full of poses! It is composed of meditations, the practice and the poses!
Going home every night would mean catching up with my yoga! I love how each pose is symbolic! You actually start a session with an intention like a wish!Then you've get to do poses like the vinyasa wherein you wake up the sun even if it's evening!
I love how challenging it can be! Each movement takes a lot of effort! When I first did my crow I was such a failure but I kept doing it because I know my arms can do it and do you know that feeling that you're almost there and just want to reach perfection? That's the feeling I get every time I do a pose! I believe that you have to challenge yourself everyday because the moment you stop doing so is the moment when life ends!
As for now, I have no plans of stopping yoga because:
It's a healthy lifestyle! Do you know headstands gives you face lifts as it works with gravity to fight against wrinkles?
Also because yoga is my homeostasis! It balances my sanguine attitude! When I am with my mat, I would be the most relax and patient person you can ever meet!
Dancing is dynamic while yoga is static. No matter what form it is, there will always always will be an outlet for self expression! I believe that anyone can dance or yoga! You can do it too and I'm going to prove it to you!
Sit straight. Hand on your knees then close your eyes. Inhale stomach out. Exhale stomach in. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale and for one last breath inhale exhale, open your eyes. Hands in prayer position. Namaste. From heart to mind and soul, I am at peace! :)
