Rainbow, blonde, red, brown black. Straight, Curly, Wavy. Short, Long.

Hair. It’s every girl’s crowning glory! You do it. You own it.

21st century has introduced so much more ways to creatively massacre hair and it does not only envelope to the female but also expanded to the sperm celled human beings J
But no matter what hair you’ve got, there are always styles to dress it up! According to Yahoo!.com there are 12 braiding styles but I won’t tackle and bore you much with those 12 rather, here are five of my favourite hairstyles which I did on my sisters hair and I’ll tell you what a journey those strands have undergone.

1.       My favourite of them all is the CLASSY FRENCH KNOTTED SIDE BUN FISH TAIL STYLE. It looks elegant and very classic! Quite easy to do and when you wear it in any occasion, it brings your whole wardrobe to a next level! To do it, just fish tail from the side (either ways may do) but do it French style, meaning, with every strand of hair you fold, you grab more hair. Do it until the end. Secure with a rubber band and you can stop there or make a bun with the excess! Now you’re done! J

2.       Next is the HONEY CRULLER TWISTED SPIRAL UPDO. When you look at it, it looks quite difficult but trust me, it’s one of the easiest hair styles ever! It best suites a theme set in the 1800s or 1900s, in other words, it looks best in a play of Shakespeare or something like that. Wearing casual and something likes kind of, well, I’m not sure how to describe it J To do it, you start at the top of your hair and grab to strands. Label them one and two. Lay two over one such that they already exchanged places. Then lay one over two but this time just like a French braid, you have to grab more hair as you proceed. Continue doing such ‘til you’re done then clip it! Easy!

3.       HAIR BOW. This one is very tricky in a sense, not all of the strands will really coordinate! You can do this either with all of your hair or half moon. Ponytail/ half moon your hair and divide into three. Two up and one down. Then, get the two and bend just like a bow. Secure with a bobby pin. You can curl the third strand to look better or get more strands and tidy the centre of the two bended strands.

4.        FLAT FOUR STRAND RIBBON BRAID. When you get the hang of this, it will be easier but sometimes you might be already at the middle then suddenly forget which hair to put over. I like this because you can do it in a lot of ways and very casual plus very easy, it think? But it’s a lot of fun plus very very cute! You’ll be needing a ribbon. You may start slightly above your eary and grab two strands. The ribbon must be long and bend into two. Place the ribbon in between of the two strands but the other strand of ribbon on the farthest so that it will be ribbon-hair-ribbon. Label the
m one, two, three and four. Place one over two then under three then over four. Do the same with the rest then secure with a rubber band. You may stop there or bend it like a headband in any way!

5.       PRINCESS HAIRSTYLES, UNIQUE PLEATED RIBBON STYLE, LOOSE FRENCH BRAIDING. This is quite not easy! Takes a lot of practice to make it neat! You’ll need a ribbon. You can start side or centre. First get enough hair just like starting a French braid then get small piece of hair and tie with a rubber which has a ribbon. Then divide the hair into three strand so that it will be hair-hair-ribbon-hair and label one, two three, four respectively. Place one under two then over three and under four so that four will go over three under two and over one and grab some hair while you proceed. Secure with a rubber band or the excess of the ribbon! You’re done! J

All of these are self-study in and just go there if you’re craving for more and in fact there’s something I learned about myself while I was watching the tutorials, I am a very VISUAL LEARNER! Even without audio I can still learn for like two minutes! Ha ha ha! It’s a lot of fun!

Styling hair is NOT EXPENSIVE! I can even liquidate the materials I used and I bet, it won’t exceed to 50 pesos or a dollar! It only takes an imaginative mind and some What IFS and lo and behold, the style of the century! Go on! UNLEASH!

Note: the reason why I love to style hair is because I find it as a stress reliever and when I was in grade school, I think fourth grade, I wished to be a hair stylist or have a parlour when I grow up J

I and Jade while I'm doing her hair :-)

 This is all for now
