
Showing posts from December, 2012

I LOVE YOU...not

The post title is just random in order to get attention! Talk about cynosure! hahahaha Anyway, I figured, since I am BORED despite the pile of workloads, still I consider myself bored, why not blog? <--rhetorical question! hahahaha I don't know what to talk about though. Probably how naughty I was these past weeks (weeks not months!) or how incredible I can be as a script writer but eff society, or how the world would end in three days HYPOTHETICALLY or how the people build and ruin each other or how much one can be a PHILOSOPHER when taking a bath or how some people can be easily deceived..or..or..or...I don't know exactly... but one thing is for sure. I haven't posted the MMP I made yet and I left my laptop charger at the dorm! slow clap! After my oh so YOUNG and WILD behavior I realized lots and lots and lots of things but too bad I don't want to post 'em! People will judge anyway. It's their nature! And NOW that it's HOLIDAY season and I am n


TIME is no boundary when doing what you love! I love making picture slideshows for birthdays or any event! It started when I was 14 years old under the influence of my awesome aunt, Joy Erched! By that time, I was a very skilled web page designer through our computer class and I memorized all codes! I was very into computers, applications and codes! I was also thinking of getting IT in college but it was more of a hobby, aunt says! Anyway, I am still an amateur and I want to be a professional at it! There's this company wherein they take pictures and at the end make a very very very rad slideshow. I saw which at my cousin's wedding at Tagaytay! I had plans of compiling all my slideshows but I can't find of them and can't even memorize 'em! Will post my latest piece later! It was for my very very very loving sister-at-heart's 18th birthday! :-) 'Til then, -Jas