
Showing posts from June, 2015

hello, ma joy

hello ma joy. are you online ? i do not know who to talk to and i'm guessing it will take you days to read this. plus, i am shy. people do not know this version of me.  i am a bit troubled. no. i am troubled. see. ever since i was in high school, i was already looking forward for the on the job training or internship in college. i told myself that a year before internship, i would have great grades throughout the college life giving me a sure company or i would already be looking for a company by that time and i mean international companies or big time companies. both did not happen. did not have high grades. even have a sinco or a failing grade in one subject just a sem before the intern period thus i have to repeat the subject. i did not fail myself by applying in international companies though and one company replied that i was not what they're looking for. also considering geography. other companies, i forget where to check. see. i guess i was too ambitious but i did