
Showing posts from May, 2014


I have been CRUSHED and I have a crush..crushes :)) My diet's been on and off..crushed. I workout and eat a lot. I skip meals. I've been busy. I want to change that but now, i somehow value being me. I can't have it all but I am not stopping. I want to lose weight and learn to handstand. Must have those biceps and triceps. Crushes...I used not to mind 'em but realized it can be a great motivation to life aside from revenge. Anyway, hello! Kdot


"Lately I've been losing sleep.." been repeating this line lately hahaha anyway, lately, i've been fine. having fun with my buddies and working out. my so called summer life starts at around 8-10 am (depends what time I wake up) then I wander then go to bath when I feel to or do something else then I either take lunch or surf the net or sleep again then workout at 2pm 'til 4pm then fix then either go to the center or go to esplanade and jog or whatever my buddies and I have planned then go home by 7pm then either workout or eat or surf the net or whatever as long as I feel tired then take a bath and sleep. I always take a bath before I sleep but it still takes me hours to fall asleep. hahaha Also, I've been in-charge with the collection part during the mass and I need 6 people and now, I have 5! Thank You Lord! It's part of the Youth club and I want to give back to my community and to God and it disheartens me that the people you think would say YES wo

Photo timeline

FIRST DAY: Tennis, Chowking, Shake, Bowling, Swimming, Seveneleven The equipment care of Tito Boy(Andie's dad). I play better now. Made a rally as well! :) Starting to like tennis! It's one of the MOST CALM sports ever! Way different from volleyball! Our pro tennis friend, Andie!  Groupies after the tennis session!  At the left is our coach. He taught us how to pose like a pro Now, time for shake! Healthy shake! Then bowling! The scoring was epic! We forgot how! hahahaha! Tennis then bowling is not a great combo! :))  Then off to swimming! From venue to venue, we did not take a jeepney except from the tennis court to shakes. At hotel del rio because sarabia was full!  Sexy friends! This pose takes a lot of core strength and it was epic! King and I trying mock Andie! hahahaha Finally, a better picture. But then again, we laugh! hahahaha King and Andie blessed with long hair to do a hair flip! Th