
Showing posts from May, 2012

How to make yourself happy

Each person is enveloped with five senses ( Sense of taste, touch, sight, hearing, smell) and they are witnesses to one's experiences! Each person is also enveloped with a lot of hormones and most crave for that hormone to make one so happy! Being happy varies from one person to another but in general, we use all those five senses to achieve the state! Now, let me tell you how I applied these. First, sense of taste, what is it that when a drop of which on your tongue makes you go to heaven? sense of touch, OOOH! That texture! You just can't resist! sense of sight, the very thing that makes you look back and glues your eyes. sense of hearing, every vibration seems like a masterpiece. sense of smell, what is it that you can just taste all day long! My answers respectively, CARAMEL, caramel ice cream, ice cream vapour, caramel ice cream and friends i like to see, the sound when i eat ice cream and people's voices which i cherish and CARAMEL! Thus, this day is the w


Rainbow, blonde, red, brown black. Straight, Curly, Wavy. Short, Long. Hair. It’s every girl’s crowning glory! You do it. You own it. 21 st century has introduced so much more ways to creatively massacre hair and it does not only envelope to the female but also expanded to the sperm celled human beings J But no matter what hair you’ve got, there are always styles to dress it up! According to Yahoo!.com there are 12 braiding styles but I won’t tackle and bore you much with those 12 rather, here are five of my favourite hairstyles which I did on my sisters hair and I’ll tell you what a journey those strands have undergone. 1.        My favourite of them all is the CLASSY FRENCH KNOTTED SIDE BUN FISH TAIL STYLE.  It looks elegant and very classic! Quite easy to do and when you wear it in any occasion, it brings your whole wardrobe to a next level! To do it, just fish tail from the side (either ways may do) but do it French style, meaning, with every strand of hair you f